

对于简单的情况,比如包含单引号' , 分号;, <, >, 等字符可通过rewrite直接重订向到404页面来避免。


问号后面的请求参数,在nginx用$query_string表 示,不能在rewrite中匹配到,需要用if判断


  /plus/list.php?tid=19&mid=1124'    rewrite ^.*([;'<>]).* /error.html break;    


需要使用$query_string 借助if进行判断,如果查询串种包含特殊字符,返回404。

  if ( $query_string ~* ".*[;'<>].*" ){  return 404;  }    


  server {  ## 禁SQL注入 Block SQL injections  set $block_sql_injections 0;  if ($query_string ~ “union.*select.*(“) {  set $block_sql_injections 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “union.*all.*select.*”) {  set $block_sql_injections 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “concat.*(“) {  set $block_sql_injections 1;  }  if ($block_sql_injections = 1) {  return 444;  }  ## 禁掉文件注入  set $block_file_injections 0;  if ($query_string ~ “[a-zA-Z0-9_]=http://”) {  set $block_file_injections 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “[a-zA-Z0-9_]=(..//?)+”) {  set $block_file_injections 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “[a-zA-Z0-9_]=/([a-z0-9_.]//?)+”) {  set $block_file_injections 1;  }  if ($block_file_injections = 1) {  return 444;  }  ## 禁掉溢出攻击  set $block_common_exploits 0;  if ($query_string ~ “(<|%3C).*script.*(>|%3E)”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “GLOBALS(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “_REQUEST(=|[|%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “proc/self/environ”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “mosConfig_[a-zA-Z_]{1,21}(=|%3D)”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “base64_(en|de)code(.*)”) {  set $block_common_exploits 1;  }  if ($block_common_exploits = 1) {  return 444;  }  ## 禁spam字段  set $block_spam 0;  if ($query_string ~ “b(ultram|unicauca|valium|viagra|vicodin|xanax|ypxaieo)b”) {  set $block_spam 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “b(erections|hoodia|huronriveracres|impotence|levitra|libido)b”) {  set $block_spam 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “b(ambien|bluespill|cialis|cocaine|ejaculation|erectile)b”) {  set $block_spam 1;  }  if ($query_string ~ “b(lipitor|phentermin|pro[sz]ac|sandyauer|tramadol|troyhamby)b”) {  set $block_spam 1;  }  if ($block_spam = 1) {  return 444;  }  ## 禁掉user-agents  set $block_user_agents 0;  # Don't disable wget if you need it to run cron jobs!  #if ($http_user_agent ~ “Wget”) {  # set $block_user_agents 1;  #}  # Disable Akeeba Remote Control 2.5 and earlier  if ($http_user_agent ~ “Indy Library”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  # Common bandwidth hoggers and hacking tools.  if ($http_user_agent ~ “libwww-perl”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “GetRight”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “GetWeb!”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “Go!Zilla”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “Download Demon”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “Go-Ahead-Got-It”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “TurnitinBot”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }  if ($http_user_agent ~ “GrabNet”) {  set $block_user_agents 1;  }    if ($http_user_agent ~ "WebBench") {      set $block_user_agents 1;    }    if ($http_user_agent ~ "ApacheBench") {      set $block_user_agents 1;    }    if ($http_user_agent ~ ^$) {      set $block_user_agents 1;    }    if ($http_user_agent ~ "Python-urllib") {      set $block_user_agents 1;    }  if ($block_user_agents = 1) {  return 444;  }  }  
